A History of Pre-Colonial 11th Century Burma to the Modern State of Myanmar
7pm, Thursday, 23 July 2015
82 Cairnhill Road Singapore 229684
Dr. Goh’s talk was based on her book published in January 2015: The Wheel-turner and His House: Kingship in a Buddhist Ecueme.
Dr. Goh traced the archaeological and historical record of Anawrahta and his seminal position in forming modern Myanmar. The recorded history of pre-colonial Burmese empire and the modern state of Myanmar started with the kingdom of Bagan in the 11th century. The oldest surviving written records and structures are from the reign of King Anawrahta (1044-1077). Anawrahta converted to Theravada Buddhism and created a vibrant Buddhist state in the Irrawaddy River Basin.
A brief introduction: Dr. Goh Geok Yian
Born in Singapore in 1972, Goh Geok Yian developed an interest in historical traditions and cultural heritage as an undergraduate in the Southeast Asian Studies Program, National University of Singapore. She worked for several years in the publishing industry, producing books on Southeast Asian art, culture, and history. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in 2002 and 2007 respectively from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Since 2008, she has been an Assistant Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
This was a private exhibition open to SEACS members only.