A non-exhaustive list of published authoritative references on Southeast Asian and Chinese trade ceramics
organised in Author-Date format.
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Abu Ridho
“Notes on the Wall Tiles of the Mosque at Demak”, in CM Young, Marie-France Dupoizat and EW Lane (eds.), Vietnamese Ceramics, Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society/Oxford University Press: 36–37
“White Kendis”, in Bulletin of the Ceramic Society of Indonesia, May: 42–52.
Survey Keramik di D.A.S. Batanghari, Jambi: PemdaTingkat I Propinsi Jambi and Kantor Wilayah Depdikbud Propinsi Jambi
“Penelitian Keramik di Situs-Situs Arkeologi Provinsi Jambi”, in Laporan: Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi dan Geologi Propinsi Jambi 1994–1995, Jambi: Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Provinsi Jambi: 198–231
Adhyatman, Sumarah
Koleksi Keramik Adam Malik, Jakarta: Indonesian Ceramic Society
Keramik Kuna Yang Ditemukan di Indonesia (Antique Ceramics Found in Indonesia), Jakarta: Himpunan Keramik Indonesia, The Ceramic Society of Indonesia
“A Note on Yue-Type Ware Found in Indonesia”, in Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 76: 319-336
Kendi: Wadah Air Minim Tradisional (Traditional Drinking Water Containers), Jakarta: Ceramic Society of Indonesia (Himpunan Keramik Indonesia)
Japanese Porcelain from the Seventeenth Century found in Indonesia, Jakarta: Ceramic Society of Indonesia
Antique Ceramics Found in Indonesia: Various Uses and Origins, Jakarta: Ceramic Society of Indonesia
Manik-Manik di Indonesia/Beads in Indonesia, Jakarta: Djambatan
Zhangzhou (Swatow) Ceramics, Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries Found in Indonesia, Jakarta: Indonesian Ceramic Society (a synopsis of this work in English can be downloaded here)
Adhyatman, Sumarah and Abu Ridho
Martavans in Indonesia/Tempayan di Indonesia, Jakarta: Ceramic Society of Indonesia
“Burmese Ceramics”, in Bulletin Himpunan Keramik Indonesia, May: 3–45
Burmese Ceramics / White Kendis, Jakarta: Ceramic Society of Indonesia
Alba, Elenita D. V.
“Archaeological Evidences of Animals as Trade Goods: A Preliminary Survey”, in National Museum Papers 4, 2: 1–66
“Excavation of the Go Sanh Kiln Complex: Champa Ceramics in the History of the Maritime Silk Road”, in Aoyagi Yoji and Gakuji Hasebe, Champa Ceramics Production and Trade. Excavation Report of the Go Sanh Kiln Sites in Central Vietnam, Tokyo: The Study Group of the Go Sanh Kilns in Central Vietnam: 5–18
Aoyagi, Yoji and Gakuji Hasebe
Champa Ceramics Production and Trade. Excavation Report of the Go Sanh Kiln Sites in Central Vietnam, Tokyo: The Study Group of the Go Sanh Kilns in Central Vietnam
Aoyagi, Yoji and Tatsuo Sasaki (eds.)
The Tani Kiln Site in Cambodia, Tokyo: Sophia University
Aymonier, Etienne
Le Cambodge, 2 vols., Paris: Ernest Leroux
Ball, Dorian
The Diana Adventure, Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Historical Salvors, Bambang Budi Utomo (ed.)
Kapal Karam Abad Ke-10 Di Laut Jawa Utara Cirebon, Jakarta: Panitia Nasional Pengangkatan dan Pemanfaatan Benda Berharga Asal Muatan Kapal yang Tenggelam
Bambang Sumadio, Sulaiman Yusuf, Hamzuri and Dadang Udansyah
Koleksi Pilihan Museum Nasional. Selected Collection of the National Museum, Vol. I, Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Musem Nasional
Bellina-Pryce, Bérénice and Praon Silapanth
“Weaving Cultural Identities on Trans-Asiatic Networks: Upper Thai-Malay Peninsula: An Early Socio-political Landscape”, in Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient 93: 257–293
Beurdeley, Michel
Chinese Trade Porcelain, Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan: Tuttle
Beyer, H. Oxley
“Outline review of Philippine Archaeology by Islands and Provinces”, in The Philippine Journal of Science 77, 2–3: 205–374
Blake, W, and M Flecker
“A Preliminary Survey of a Southeast Asian Wreck, Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam”, in International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 23, 2: 73–91
Bounheuang Bouasisengpaseuth and Phimmaseng Thammavong
“Archaeological Finds of Ceramics in Lao PDR”, in SPAFA Journal 6, 1: 33–34
Bouvet, Phaedra
“Étude préliminaire de céramiques indiennes et indianisantes du site de Khao Sam Kaeo IVe–IIe siècles av. J C”, in Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient 93: 353–393
Bromberg, Paul
“A Passion for Bencharong,” in Arts of Asia May/June
Brown, C. C. (ed. & transl.)
Sejarah Melayu, Malay Annals, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press
Brown, Roxanna M
Click here to access Roxanna M Brown’s CV and bibliography.
Bui Minh Tri
“Vietnamese Ceramics in the Asian Sea-route Trade in the Seventeenth Century”, in Khao co Hoc 6: 67–82
Bui Minh Tri and Kerry Nguyên-Long
Vietnamese Blue & White Ceramics, Ha Noi: Social Sciences Publishing House
Bulbek, David
“Traditions of Jars as Mortuary Containers in the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago” in New Perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific Prehistory, Australian National University Press.
Treasures from the Hoi An Hoard, San Francisco: Butterfields
Chang Pin-Tsung
Chinese Maritime Trade: The Case of 16th-Century Fu-chien (Fukien), PhD Thesis, Princeton University, East Asian Studies
Chanthawani, Natthaphat & 3 more
Ancient Kiln Sites in Buriram Province, Bangkok: Fine Arts Department
Chen Cunxi and Yeung, C. T.
Dehua Wares, Hong Kong: Fung Ping Shan Museum, University of Hong Kong
Chhay Visoth and Chap Sopheara
Ceramics from Anlong Thom (in Khmer), BA Thesis, Department of Archaeology, Royal University of Fine Art, Phnom Penh
Chia Ming Soon, Stephen
“Prehistoric Pottery Sources and Technology in Peninsular Malaysia based on Compositional and Morphological Studies”, in Malaysian Museums Journal 33
Chien Nguyen Dinh
The Ca Mau Shipwreck 1723–1735, Ha Noi: The National Museum of Vietnamese History
Chinese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor
“Report on Archaeological Research at Chau Say Tevoda Temple, Angkor”, in Udaya 1: 255–294
Choo, Alexandra Avieropoulou
Archaeology, A Guide to the Collections National Museum Singapore, Singapore: National Museum. (The National Museum’s archaeological collection primarily composed of objects donated or deposited in the museum in the decade between 1930-1940.)
Coedès, George
“Les statuettes décapitées de Savank’alok”, in Institut Indochinois pour l’Étude de l’Homme 2, 2: 189–190.
The Indianized States of Southeast Asia, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
Cole, Fay-Cooper
Chinese Pottery in the Philippines, Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History Publication 162, Anthropological Series XII, 1
Cort, Louise
“Vietnamese Ceramics in Japanese Contexts”, in Stevenson, John and John Guy (eds.), Vietnamese Ceramics: A Separate Tradition, Chicago: Art Media Resources with Avery Press: 62–83
“Khmer Stoneware Ceramics. The Hague Gifts”, in LA Cort, M Farhad, and AC Gunter (eds.), Asian Traditions in Clay, Washington, DC: Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution: 91–149
Cort, Louise Allison, Williams IV, George Ashley and David P Rehfuss
“Ceramics in Mainland Southeast Asia[:] Collections in the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M Sackler Gallery”, website: http://seasianceramics.asia.si.edu//
Cortesao, A (ed. & transl.)
The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires, London: Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, Vol. 89, 2 vols
Courbin, Paul
“La fouille du Sras Srang à Angkor”, in Jacques Dumarçay and Paul Courbin, Documents Graphiques de la Conservation d’Angkor 1963–1971, Paris : École Française d’Extrême-Orient. Collection de textes et documents sur l’Indochine XVII
Cremin, Aedeen
“Chinese Ceramics at Angkor”, in Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin 26: 121–123
Curtis, Julia B. with contributions from Stephen Little and Mary Ann Rogers
Trade, Taste & Transformation: Jingdezhen Porcelain for Japan 1620-1645, New York: China Institute
Dampier, William (compiled by John Mansfield)
Dampier’s Voyages, London: Valentine Press, 2 vols
Daus, Ronald
Portuguese Eurasian Communities in Southeast Asia, Singapore: ISEAS Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Di Crocco, Virginia
“Early Burmese Ceramics from Srikshetra and Pagan and the Problem of the Identification of the P’iao Kingdom of the Chinese Chronicles”, in I Glover (ed.), Southeast Asian Archaeology 1990, Hull: Centre for South-East Asian Studies: 53–62
Diem, Allison
“Vietnamese Blue and White Ceramics in the Philippines: Late 14th-16th Centuries”, in L Gotuaco, Rita C Tan and AI Diem, Chinese and Vietnamese Blue and White Wares Found in the Philippines, Makati City: Bookmark: 183–205
“Vietnamese Ceramics from the Pandanan Shipwreck Excavation in the Philippines”, in Taoci 2: 87–93
“The Significance of Pandanan Shipwreck Ceramics as Evidence of Fifteenth Century Trading Relations within Southeast Asia”, in OCS Newsletter, March–April, Bulletin No. 12
Dizon, Eusebio Z (ed.)
“Anatomy of a Shipwreck: Archaeology of the 15th-Century Pandanan Shipwreck”, in Christophe Loviny (ed.), The Pearl Road, Tales of Treasure Ships in the Philippines, Makati City: Christophe Loviny: 62–75
Dizon, Eusebio Z and Rey A Santiago (eds.)
Faces From Maitum, The Archaeological Excavation of Ayub Cave, Manila: The National Museum of the Philippines
Dumarçay, Jacques
Charpentes et tuiles khmeres, Paris: École Française d’Extrême- Orient
Dupoizat, Marie-France
“Céramique chinoise de Barus et du Proche-Orient: analogies, différences, premières conclusions”, in C Guillot (ed.), Histoire de Barus: Le Site de Lobu Tua. I, Études et Documents, Paris: Cahiers d’Archipel 30: 149–167
“La céramique importée à Angkor: étude préliminaire”, in Arts Asiatiques 54: 103–116
“Chinese Ceramics”, in C Guilllot et al (eds.), Histoire de Barus Sumatra, Le Site de Lobu Tua. I, Étude archéologique et Documents, Paris: Cahier d’Archipel 30: 103–170
“Vietnamese Ceramics in the Malay World” in Archipel 85, 105-115. (Access the pdf here.)
Dupoizat, Marie-France and Naniek Harkantiningsih
Catalogue of the Chinese Style Ceramics of Majapahit, Paris: Association Archipel, Cahiers d’Archipel 36
Ea Darith
“Summary of New Light on Khmer Ceramic” (in Khmer), Udaya 1: 37–47
“The Relationship between China and Cambodia: Evidence from Manuscripts, Ceramics and Bas-reliefs”, in Cheng Pei-kai et al (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference: Chinese Export Ceramics and Maritime Trade 12th-15th Centuries, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong: 267–279
“New Data on the Distribution of Khmer Ceramics Kilns”, Paper presented at Ancient Khmer and Southeast Asian Ceramics: New Archaeological Findings, Production and the Revival of Techniques, Centre for Khmer Studies, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 13–15 December
Edwards McKinnon, Edmund
“A Brief Note on Muara Kumpeh Hilir: an Early Port Site on the Batang Hari”, in SPAFA Digest 3, 2: 37–40
“Early Polities in Southern Sumatra: Some Preliminary Observations based on Archaeological Evidence”, in Indonesia 40: 1–36
Kota Cina: Its Context and Meaning in the Trade of Southeast Asia in the Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries, Ithaca: Cornell University PhD Dissertation
“Malayu Jambi: Interlocal and International Trade (11th to 13th Centuries)”, Paper presented at the Seminar Sejarah Malayu Kuno, Jambi, 7–8 December
Eka Asih Putrina Taim
Foreign Ceramics from the Site at the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Museum. An Analysis of the Results of the 1989–1990 Excavations, Thesis, Jurusan Arkeologi, Universitas Indonesia
Em Socheata
Ceramics from Khnar Po Kilns (in Khmer), BA Thesis, Department of Archaeology, Royal University of Fine Art, Phnom Penh
Eng-Lee Seok Chee
Kendi: A Guide to the Collections National Museum Singapore, Singapore: National Museum
Ery Muchtar and Yayat Padmadisastra, Tim Penyunting
Kerajinan Tanah Liat Tradisional di desa Bumi Jaya, Kecamatan Ciruas, Kabupaten Serang, Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Permuseuman Jakarta
Etsuko Miyata
“Report on the Early Exported Southeast Asian Ceramics (Data from the Consumption Sites in Japan.)”, in Naniek Harkantiningsih and Sugeng Riyanto (eds.), Proceedings: International Symposium for Japanese Ceramics of Archaeological Sites in South-East Asia: the Maritime Relationship on 17th Century, Jakarta: Pusat Arkeologi: 69–76
Evans, IHN
“Notes on the Remains of an Old Boat from Pontian, Pahang”, in Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 12, 4: 93–96
Finlay, Robert
The Pilgrim Art: Cultures of Porcelain in World History, Berkeley: University of California Press
Flecker, Michael
“A 9th-Century Arab or Indian Shipwreck in Indonesian Waters”, in International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 29, 2: 199–217
“The Bakau Wreck: an Early Example of Chinese Shipping in Southeast Asia”, in International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 30, 2: 221–230
The Archaeological Excavation of 10th-Century Intan Shipwreck, BAR International Series 1047, Oxford: Archaeopress
“The Thirteenth-Century Java Sea Wreck: a Chinese Cargo in an Indonesian Ship”, in The Mariner’s Mirror 89, 4: 388–404
The Binh Thuan Wreck: Containing the Complete Archaeological Report, Melbourne: Christies Australia
“The South China Sea Tradition: Hybrid Hulls of Southeast Asia”, in International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 36, 1: 75–90
For a complete list of Dr. Flecker’s publications as of 01.01.2002, please click here.
Fournereau, Lucien
“La Cèramique du Thais”, in Le Siam Ancien, Paris: Annales du Musée Guimet 31, 2: 129–138
Fraser-Lu, Sylvia
Burmese Crafts: Past & Present, KL: Oxford University Press
Franiatte, M.
“Nouvelles Analyses de la Céramique Khmère du Palais Royal d’Angkor Thom”, in Udaya 1: 91–124
Frasché, Dean
Southeast Asian Ceramics: Ninth to Seventeenth Centuries, New York: Asia Society
Fujiwara, Hiroshi
Khmer Ceramics from the Kamratan Collection, Singapore: Oxford University Press
Gakuji, Hasebe and Yamasaki Kazuo
The White and Green Wares Excavated in the Tak Area in Thailand, Tokyo: Machida City Museum
Gasser, Stephen A.
Das Topferhandwerk von Indonesien, Basel: Pharos-Verlag Hansrudolf Schwabe AG, Basler Beitrage zur Ethnologie Band 7
Gibson-Hill, Carl Alexander
“Further Notes on the Old Boat Found at Pontian, in Southern Pahang”, in Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 25, 1: 111–133
Gerritsen, Anne
The City of Blue and White: Chinese Porcelain and the Early Modern World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Goddio, Frank
A full bibliography and the documentaries of Frank Goddio can be found at: www.franckgoddio.org
Goloubew, Victor
“La Province de Thanh-hoa et sa Céramique”, in Revue des Arts Asiatiques 7: 112–116
Graham, WA
“Pottery in Siam”, in Journal of the Siam Society 15, 1: 1–27. (This was a seminal article and a transcript of the meeting at which the paper was introduced and its findings may be found here.)
Green, Jeremy N.
“The Song Dynasty Shipwreck at Quangzhou, Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China”, in International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 12, 3: 253–262. (See also the Shipwreck Asia site.)
Green, Jeremy N. and Rosemary Harper
The Excavation of the Pattaya Wreck Site and Survey of Three Other Sites, Thailand, 1982, Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology, Special Publication No. 1.
The Maritime Archaeology of Shipwrecks and Ceramics in Southeast Asia and The Ko Si Chang Three Shipwreck Excavation, 1986, Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, Special Publication No. 4
Green, Jeremy N., Rosemary Harper and S Prishanchittara
The Excavation of the Ko Kradat Wrecksite 1979-1980, Thailand, Department of Maritime Archaeology, Western Australian Museum, Special Publication
Griffin, R. P. Jr
“Dating Annamese Blue and White”, in Orientations, May: 32–48
Groeneveldt, WP
Historical Notes on Indonesia and Malaya Compiled from Chinese Sources, Jakarta: Bhratara
Groslier, Bernard Philippe
“Introduction to the Ceramic Wares of Angkor”, in Khmer Ceramics: 9th-14th Century, Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society: 9–19
“La Céramique Chinoise en Asie du Sud-Est : Quelques Points de Méthode”, in Archipel 21: 93–121. Reprinted in J Dumarçay (ed.), Mélanges sur l’Archéologie du Cambodge (1949–1986), Paris: École Française d’Extrême-Orient 1998: 221–245
Groslier, BP and Jacques Arthaud
Angkor: Art and Civilization, London: Thames and Hudson.
Guérin, Nicol and Dick van Oenen
Thai Ceramic Art: the Three Religions, Singapore: Suntree Media
Guillot, Claude (ed.)
Histoire de Barus: Le Site de Lobu Tua. I, Études et Documents, Paris: Cahiers d’Archipel 30
Guilllot, Claude et al (eds.)
From the Mediterranean to the China Sea, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. (A pdf may be found here.)
Histoire de Barus Sumatra. Le Site de Lobu Tua. II, Étude Archéologique et Documents, Paris: Cahier d’Archipel 30
Gutman, Pamela
“The Martaban Trade”, in Asian Perspectives 40, 1: 108–118
Guy, John
“Vietnamese Trade Ceramics”, in CM Young, Marie-France Dupoizat, and EW Lane (eds.), Vietnamese Ceramics, Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society/Oxford University Press: 28–35
“Vietnamese Ceramics and Cultural Identity: Evidence from the Ly and Tran Dynasties”, in DG Marr and AC Milner (eds.), Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th Centuries, Singapore: ISEAS: 255–270
Oriental Trade Ceramics in South-East Asia: Ninth to Sixteenth Centuries, Singapore: Oxford University Press
Ceramic Excavation Sites in Southeast Asia: A Preliminary Gazetteer, Adelaide: Research Centre for Southeast Asian Ceramics, Art Gallery of South Australia, University of Adelaide, Papers 3
“The Vietnamese Wall Tiles of Majapahit”, in Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 53: 27–46
Ceramic Traditions of South-East Asia, Singapore: Oxford University Press
Oriental Trade Ceramics in South-East Asia: Ninth to Sixteenth Centuries, Singapore: Oxford University Press, Oxford in Asia Studies in Ceramics
“Southeast Asian Glazed Ceramics: a Study of Sources”, in G Kuwayama (ed.), New Perspectives on the Art of Ceramics in China, Los Angeles: LA County Museum of Art
“Vietnamese Ceramics from the Hoi An Excavation: The Cu Lao Cham Ship Cargo”, in Orientations, September: 125–128
“Tamil Merchant Guilds and the Quanzhou Trade”, in A Schottenhamer (ed.), The Emporium of the World, Maritime Quanzhou, 1000–1400, Leiden: Brill: 283–308
“The Belitung (Tang) Cargo and Early Asian Ceramic Trade”, in Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 66: 13–27
“Offering Up a Rare Jewel: Buddhist Merit-Making and Votive Tablets in Early Burma”, in A Green and TR Blurton (eds.), Burma: Art and Archaeology, London: British Museum Publications: 23–33
“The Intan Shipwreck: a 10th-Century Cargo in South-East Asian Waters”, in S Pearson (ed.), Song Ceramics: Art History, Archaeology and Technology, University of London: Colloquies on Art and Archaeology in Asia 22: 171–192
“Early Ninth-Century Chinese Export Ceramics and the Persian Gulf Connection: the Belitung Shipwreck Evidence”, in SFECO (Société Française d’Etude de la Ceramique Orientale), Paris: Musée Cernuschi 4: 9–20
Ha Thuc Can, and Nguyen Bich
“Discovery of the Chu Dau Kiln”, in Arts of Asia 20, 3: 116– 121
Habu, Ann and Dawn F. Rooney
Royal Porcelain from Siam: Unpacking the Ring Collection, Oslo: Hermes Publishing 2013
Hansman, John
Julfar, an Arabian Port, Its Settlement and Far Eastern Ceramic Trade, 14th-18th Century, London: Royal Asiatic Society, Prize Publication Fund, Vol 22 (Re-published by Routledge in 2002)
Harrisson, Barbara
“Correlations and Types of Vietnamese Trade Wares: 13th-19th Centuries”, in in CM Young, Marie-France Dupoizat, and EW Lane (eds.), Vietnamese Ceramics, Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society/Oxford University Press: 38–48
Later Ceramics in South-East Asia, Sixteenth to Twentieth Centuries, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press
Harrisson, Tom
“‘Dusun’ Jars: from Mayfair and Friesland through Cairo to Sabah”, in Sarawak Museum Journal 12: 25–26, 69–74
“Early ‘Jar Burials’ in Borneo and Elsewhere”, in Asian Perspectives 17, 2: 141–144
Hasan M Ambary, Halwany Michrob and John N Miksic
Katalogus Koleksi Data Arkeologi Banten (Catalogue of Sites, Monuments and Artifacts of Banten), Jakarta: Directorate for Protection and Development of Historical and Archaeological Heritage
Hasan Muarif Ambary and Sakai Takahashi
Banten, Pelabuhan Keramik Jepang. Situs Kota Pelabuhan Islam di Indonesia, Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional
He Li
Chinese Ceramics: The New Standard Guide, The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
Hein, Don
“Sawankhalok Export Kilns: Evolution and Development,” in Ho Chuimei (ed.), Ancient Ceramic Kiln Technology in Asia, Hong Kong: Centre for Asia Studies, University of Hong Kong: 205–228
Summary Report on Archaeological Fieldwork at Myaung Mya, Bagan, and Other Sites in Myanmar, August–September 1999, [Melbourne]: Deakin University. Unpublished E-copy
“Ceramic Kiln Lineages in Mainland Southeast Asia,” in Ceramics in Mainland Southeast Asia: Collections in the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, http://seasianceramics.asia.si.edu/
Hein, Don and Prachote Sangkhanukit
ND (c. 1985)
Report on the Excavation of the Ban Tao Hai Kilns Phitsanulok, Thailand, Adelaide: Art Gallery of South Australia, University of Adelaide, Research Centre for Southeast Asian Ceramics, Papers 1
Hein, Don, Peter Burns and Dick Richards
“An Alternative View on the Origins of Ceramics Production at Si Satchanalai and Sukhothai, Thailand”, in SPAFA Digest 7, 1: 22–33
Hein, Don, Mike Barbetti and Thongsa Sayavongkhamdy
An Excavation at the Sisattanak Kiln Site, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989, Sydney: University of Sydney, Research Institute for Asia and the Pacific
Hendrickson, Mitch
“New Evidence of Brown Glaze Stoneware Kilns Along the East Road from Angkor”, in Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 28: 52–56
Heng Piphal
“Archaeological Excavation in the North Pond (Srah Andong) of Prasat Suor Prat”, in Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor (JSA) Annual Report on the Technical Survey of Angkor Monument 2004, Tokyo: Japan International Cooperation Centre: 215–233
Henson, FG
“Jar Burial Excavations in the Philippines”, in I Glover, P Succhitta, and J Villiers (eds.), Early Metallurgy, Trade and Urban Centres in Thailand and Southeast Asia, Bangkok: White Lotus: 213–225
Honda, Hiromu and Noriki Shimazu
The Beauty of Fired Clay: Ceramics from Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, New York : Oxford University Press
Hirth, Friedrich and William W. Rockhill
Chau Ju-Kua: His Work on the Chinese and Arab Trade in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, entitled Chu-fan-chi, St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Science
Ho Chuimei
Minnan Blue and White Wares, An Archaeological Survey of Kiln Sites of the 16th-19th Centuries in Southern Fujian, China, Oxford: BAR International Series 428.
Hsü Yün-Ts’iao
“Singapore in the Remote Past”, in Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 45, 1: 1–9
Huang Xuan Chinh
“Viêt-hoa bi lãng ouên” (Móng Cái, Forgotten Vietnamese-Chinese Porcelain Line), in Khao co hoc 1/2009: 85–91
Hudson, Bob, Nyein Lwin, and Win Maung (Tanpawady)
“The Origins of Bagan: New Dates and Old Inhabitants”, in Asian Perspectives 40, 1: 48–74
Huet, Clement
“Contribution à l’Étude de la Céramique en Indochine”, in Bulletin des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire 1: 209; 3: 50–61
Ito, Chuta and Yositaro Kamakura
Nanhai Koto Kame, Tokyo: Houn-sha (Unpublished translation: “Pottery and Porcelain in Southern Lands”, Canberra: The Australian National University, Translation Unit, 1971)
Jago-on, Sheldon & Orillaneda, Bobby.
Archaeological Researches on the Manila Galleon Wrecks in the Philippines, Springer
Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor
“Preliminary Report on the Ceramics Recovered from the Northern ‘Library’ of the Bayon Complex, Angkor Thom”, in Udaya 1: 201–216
Jacques, Claude
“China and Ancient Khmer History”, in R Scott and J Guy (eds.), South Asia and China: Art, Interaction and Commerce, London: Percival David: 32–39
Jenyns, Soame
Later Chinese Porcelain: The Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1912), London: Faber & Faber
Japanese Pottery, London, Boston: Faber and Faber
Jörg, C. J. A.
Porcelain and the Dutch China Trade, The Hague: Martinus
The Geldermalsen History and Porcelain, Groningen: Kemper Publishers
Jörg, C and M Flécher
Porcelain from the Vung Tau Wreck: the Hallstrom Excavation, London: Sun Tree Publishing Ltd
Joseph, A
“Blue and White Wares,” in South-East Asian and Chinese Trade Pottery, Hong Kong: The Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong: 26–33
Junker, Laura Lee
Raiding, Trading and Feasting: The Political Economy of Philippine Chiefdoms, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
Kamarudin Ab Razak
Peninggalan Sejarah di Pesisiran Sungei Johor, Johor Bahru: Yayasan Warisan Johor
Karow, Otto
“Thai Ceramics: the Historical and Cultural Background”, in Roxanna M Brown, Otto Karow, Peter W Meister, and Hans W Siegel, Legend and Reality: Early Ceramics from South-East Asia, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press: 19–24
Kenderdine, S
“Bai Jiao I-the Excavation of a Song Dynasty Shipwreck in the Dinghai Area, Fujian Province, China, 1995”, in International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 24, 4: 247–266
Kerr, Rose & John Ayers
Blanc de Chine: Porcelain from Dehua, Singapore: Asian Civilisations Museum
Kerr, Rose, Regina Krahl, Baoping Li et. al.
Marvels of Celadon: Shang Shan Collection of Yaozhou Wares, Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago
Khwanyuen, S
“The Excavation of Baranae Kiln Site, Thailand”, in SPAFA Final Report: Technical Workshop on Ceramics (T-W4), Bangkok: SPAFA: 137–168.
Kraiskri Nimmanahaeminda
Sankampaeng Glazed Pottery, Chiangmai: Konmuang Publishing Company
Kwee Hwee Kian
Dao Yi Zhi Lue as a Maritime Traders’ Guidebook, National University of Singapore Honour’s Thesis
Lam, Peter Y.K. (ed.)
“Guangdong Wares of the Northern Song Period” in New Asia Academic Bulletin, Hong Kong: New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 4: 121-130 and plates 1-26
A Ceramic Legacy of Asia’s Maritime Trade: Song Dynasty Guangdong Wares and other 11th to 19th century Trade Ceramics found on Tioman Island, Malaysia, Petaling Jaya: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society
“Archaeological Finds from the Jin to the Tang Periods in Guangdong”, Chinese University of Hong Kong
A Legacy of the Ming, Ceramic Finds from the Site of the Ming Palace in Nanjing, Hong Kong: Nanjing Museum and The Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
“Dating Criteria for Chinese Blue and Whites of the Mid to Late 15th Century from Shipwrecks”, in Taoci 2: 35–46, 35
“Emperors’ Insignia: Basemarks of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Imperial Porcelain”, Arts of Asia, vol. 38
Lamb, Alastair
“Miscellaneous Papers on Early Hindu and Buddhist Settlement in Northern Malaya and Southern Thailand”, in Federation Museums Journal (New Series) 6. (Available from https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/13201217)
Lammers, Cheng and Ridho, Abu
Annamese Ceramics in the Museum Pusat Jakarta, Jakarta: Himpunan Ceramic Indonesia
Li Jianan
“The Zhangzhou Kiln: a Review of Recent Archaeological and Research Trends in the PRC”, in Rita Tan (ed.), Zhangzhou Ware Found in the Philippines, NP [Manila]: Yuchengco Museum; Oriental Ceramic Society of the Philippines: 33–41
Lin Xinyuan
“Imperial Export Porcelain from Late Yuan to Early Ming”, in Oriental Art 45, 3: 48–54
Linehan, W
“The Kings of 14th-Century Singapore”, in Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 20, 2: 117–127
Liu Jincheng
Gao’an Yuandai Jiao Cang Ciqi (The Porcelain from the Cellar of Yuan Dynasty in Gao’an), Beijing
Liu Xingyuan (transl. by J Ding)
“Imperial Export Porcelain from Late Yuan to Early Ming”, in Oriental Art 45, 1: 98–100
Lo, Kai-Yin, ed. with contributions from R. Krahl, Li Zhiyan, R. Whitfield & Sören Edgren
Bright as Silver, white as snow: Chinese White Ceraics from Late Tang to Yuan Dynasty, HK: CA Design
Locsin, L and C
Oriental Ceramics Discovered in the Philippines, Rutland/Tokyo: CE Tuttle
Loviny, Christophe (ed.)
The Pearl Road, Tales of Treasure Ships in the Philippines, Makati City: Christophe Loving
Low, Cheryl-Ann
“Sawankhalok Sukhothai Wares from the Empress Place Site, Singapore”, in The Heritage Journal 1, 1: 21–37
Lu Yaw, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum
Collection of Chinese Ceramics, Bronze, Archaic Jade, Painting & Calligraphy in the Light of Recent Archaeological Discoveries, Singapore: Singapore University Press
Ma Huan (translated by JVG Mills)
Ying-yai Sheng-lan, The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores 1433, London; reprinted by the White Lotus Press 1997
Ma, Laurence J. C.
Commerce Development and Urban Change in Sung China, Ann Arbor: PhD Dissertation, University of Michigan
Manguin, Pierre-Yves
“Relationship and Cross-Influence between Southeast Asian and Chinese Shipbuilding Traditions”, in SPAFA Consultative Workshop on Research on Maritime Shipping and Trade Networks in Southeast Asia (I-W7), Bangkok: SPAFA: 197–212
“Palembang et Sriwijaya: Anciennes Hypothèses, Recherches Nouvelles”, in Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient 76: 337–402
“Excavations in South Sumatra, 1988–1990: New Evidence for Sriwijayan Sites”, in I Glover (ed.), Southeast Asian Archaeology 1990: Proceedings of the Third Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Hull: University of Hull, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies: 63–73
“Trading Ships of the South China Sea: Shipbuilding Techniques and their Role in the History of the Development of Asian Trade Networks”, in Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 36: 253–280
Srivijaya, An Introduction, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Martin, Marie A
“Histoire du Peuplement du Massif des Cardamomes sous la Monarchie Khmère”, in G Condominas (ed.), Disciplines Croisées: Hommage à Bernard Philippe Groslier, Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales: 219–254
Les Khmers Daeum (Khmers de l’Origine), Paris: Presses de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient, Monographies No. 183
Mathers, William and Michael Flecker (eds.)
The Archaeological Recovery of the Java Sea Wreck, Pacific Sea Resources
Matussin Omar
Archaeological Excavations in Protohistoric Brunei, Brunei: Muzium Brunei Penerbitan Khas No. 15
Mikami, Tsugio (ed.)
Southeast Asian Ceramics: Ceramic Art of the World, Vol. 16, Tokyo: Shogakukan
Miksic, John N.
You may download an extensive .pdf list of Dr. John Miksic’s publications here.
“Ceramics of Muang Phan, Chiang Rai Province”, in Journal of the Siam Society 65, 2: 163–170 (reprinted in Thai Pottery and Ceramics, Collected Articles from the Journal of The Siam Society, Bangkok: The Siam Society, 1986: 305–312)
Archaeology, Trade and Society in Northeast Sumatra, Ithaca: Cornell University, PhD Dissertation
Archaeological Research on the ‘Forbidden Hill’ of Singapore: Excavations at Fort Canning, 1984, Singapore: National Museum
“Recently Discovered Chinese Green Glazed Wares of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries in Singapore and Riau Islands”, in New Light on Chinese Yue and Longquan Wares: Archaeological Ceramics Found in Eastern and Southern Asia, AD 800–1400, Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong: 229–250
“Eighteenth-Century Burmese Ceramics from Sumatra and Singapore”, in International Conference on Glazed Ceramics of South East Asia, Yangon/Bagan, Myanmar, 20–22 September
“Chinese Ceramics and Local Cultural Statements in Fourteenth-Century Southeast Asia,” in Studies in Southeast Asian Art: Essays in Honor of Stanley J O’Connor, Ithaca: Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program: 194–216
“Thai Wares in the Islands of Riau Province”, in Charnvit Kasetsiri (ed.), Sangkhalok-Sukhothai-Ayutthaya and Asia, Samutprakan: Toyota Thailand Foundation/Bangkok: The Foundation for the Promotion of Social Science and Humanities Textbooks Project: 147–151
Earthenware in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Singapore University Press
“14th-Century Singapore: A Port of Trade”, in John N Miksic and Cheryl-Ann Low Mei Gek, Early Singapore 1300s–1819: Evidence in Maps, Text and Artefacts, Singapore: Singapore History Museum: 41–54
Southeast Asian Ceramics: New Light on Old Pottery, Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society
2010 The A to Z of Ancient Southeast Asia, Toronto: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2010
Miksic, John N., Nancy Beavan Athfield, K Rethy Chhem and David Kyle Latinis
Fifteenth-Century Jar Burials in the Cardamom Mountains, Kingdom of Cambodia: Initial Analysis and Basis for Future Work, manuscript
Miksic, John N., Chhay Rachna, Heng Piphal, Chhay Visoth
Archaeological Report Regarding the Assessment at the Thnal Mrech Kiln Site TMK 002, Anlong Thom, Phnom Kulen, Cambodia, unpublished report
Miksic, John N. and CT Yap
“Fine-Bodied White Earthenwares of South East Asia: Some X- ray Fluorescence Tests”, in Asian Perspectives 28, 1: 45–60
“Compositional Analysis of Pottery from Kota Cina, North Sumatra: Implications for Regional Trade During the 12th to 14th Centuries”, in Asian Perspectives 31, 1: 57–76
Miksic, John N. and Endang Soekatno (eds.)
The Legacy of Majapahit, Singapore: National Heritage Board
Miksic, John N., Yap Choon Teck, Sam Fong Yau Li, and Kebao Wan
“EDXRF Analyses of Some Yuan Dynasty Artifacts Excavated in Singapore”, in Keji Kaogu Luncong [Studies in Archaeometry] 2: 228–236
Miksic, John N. and Geok Yian Goh
Ancient Southeast Asia, NY: Routledge
Mills, John Vivian Gottlieb (ed. & tr.)
Ma Huan, Ying-yai Sheng-lan, Cambridge: Hakluyt Society
Morimoto Asako
“On Southeast Asian Ceramics after the 16th Century, viewed from Findings in Japan”, in Naniek Harkantiningsih and Sugeng Riyanto (eds.), Proceedings: International Symposium for Japanese Ceramics of Archaeological Sites in South-East Asia: the Maritime Relationship on 17th Century, Jakarta: Pusat Arkeologi: 24–38
“About the Recent Findings on Vietnamese Historical Ceramics: Some Historiographical Remarks”, in Shih Shou-chien et al (eds.), National Palace Museum Bulletin 38, January: 77–101
Morimoto Asako and Ohashi Koji
“An Excavation and Investigation of Go Sanh Kilns Nos. 2 and 3 in Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam”, in Aoyagi Yoji and Gakuji Hasebe, Champa Ceramics Production and Trade. Excavation Report of the Go Sanh Kiln Sites in Central Vietnam, Tokyo: The Study Group of the Go Sanh Kilns in Central Vietnam: 37–59
Mourer, R
“La Poterie au Cambodge”, in Histoire et Développement. Essai d’Éthno-Technologie, 2 vols, PhD Dissertation, Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
Myo Thant Tyn
“Tradition of Myanmar Glazed Ceramics and its Historical Status in Southeast Asia”, in Bulletin of Archaeology, The University of Kanazawa, 26: 20-26
Myo Thant Tyn and Dawn Rooney
“Ancient Celadon in Myanmar: a New Ceramic Discovery”, in Orientations 32, 4: 57–61
Nakagawa, Takashi
Report on the Conservation and Restoration Work of the Northern Library of the Bayon, Angkor Thom, Kingdom of Cambodia, Tokyo: Japan International Cooperation Centre
Nan, Kyi Kyi Khai
“Classification of Myanmar Celadon Bowls, particularly centred on Collected Finds of Twante Kilns”, in Bulletin of Archaeology, The University of Kanazawa, 57: 19-29
“The Study on Myanmar trade ware: Martaban Jar and white Dish”, in Bulletin of Archaeology, The University of Kanazawa, 30: 101-136
Naniek Harkantiningsih Wibisono
Album of Ceramics from Singkawang: Transfer of Traditional Technology, Jakarta: Ministry of Culture and Tourism
NARA National Cultural Properties Research Institute, and APSARA Authority
“Recent Research on Kiln Sites in the Angkor Area”, in Udaya 1: 217–234
“Investigation of the Tani Kiln Site: Geophysical Prospections, Excavations and Site Presentation Proposal”, in Udaya 2: 133–140
Nguyen Dinh Chien
Handbook of Vietnamese Ceramics with Inscriptions from the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries, Hanoi: National Museum of Vietnamese History
Nguyen-Long, Kerry
“Bat Trang and the Ceramic Trade in Southeast Asian Archipelagos”, in Phan Huy Lê, Nguyen Chién and Nguyen Quang Ngoc (eds.), Bat Trang Ceramics 14th-19th Centuries, Hanoi: The Gioi: 87–90
“Vietnamese Ceramic Trade to the Philippines in the Seventeenth Century”, in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 30, 1: 1–21
Nie D
“Chinese Merchants and their Maritime Activities under the Ban on Maritime Trade in the Ming Dynasty (1368–1567)”, in Ming Qing Yanjiu: 69–92
Nurhadi Rangkuti and Mindra Faizaliskandiar
Naga Singkawang: Tradisi Pembuatan Keramik Kuno Yang Tersisa di Indonesia, Jakarta: Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia and Himpunan Keramik Indonesia
Oriental Ceramic Society of the Philippines
Chinese and South-East Asian White Ware Found in the Philippines, Singapore: Oxford University Press
van Orsoy de Flines, EW
“Onderzoek Naar en van Keramische Scherven in de Bodem in Noordelijk Midden-Java, 1940–42”, in Oudheidkundige Verslag, Bijlage A: 66–84
Gids voor de Keramische Verzameling, Jakarta: Museum Pusat
Pengiran Dr Karim bin Pengiran Haji Osman
The Brunei Shipwreck: A catalogue of some selected artefacts and Brunei’s ancient trade products, Brunei: Brunei Museums, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports
Perret, Daniel and Sugeng Riyanto
“Les Poteries Proche-Orientales Engobées à Décor Incisé et Jaspé de Lobu Tua. Étude Préliminaire”, in C Guillot (ed.), Histoire de Barus: Le Site de Lobu Tua. I. Études et Documents, Paris: Cahiers d’Archipel 30: 169–188
Phan Huy Lê, Nguyen Chién and Nguyen Quang Ngoc (eds.)
Bat Trang Ceramics 14th-19th Centuries, Hanoi: The Gioi
Pickford, N and M Hatcher
The Legacy of the Tek Sing, Granta Editions, UK
Pierson, Stacey
From Object to Concept: Global Consumption and the Transformation of Ming Porcelain, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
Pisit Charoenwongsa and Sayan Prisanchit (eds.)
Underwater Archaeology in Thailand II, Ceramics from the Gulf of Thailand, Bangkok: Samaphan Publishing Company
Pope, Alexander
Chinese Porcelains from the Ardebil Shrine, Washington, D.C.: The Freer Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Ricklefs, Merle Calvin
A history of modern Indonesia since c. 1300 (2nd ed.), California: Stanford University Press
Rinaldi, Maura
Kraak Porcelain. A Moment in the History of Trade, London: Bamboo Publishing
Robinson, Natalie V
Sino-Thai Ceramics, Bangkok: The Department of Fine Arts
Rockhill, WW
“Notes on the Relations and Trade of China with the Eastern Archipelago and the Coast of the Indian Ocean During the Fourteenth Century”, in T’oung Pao 15: Part 1, 419–447; Part 2, 61–159, 236– 271, 374–392, 435–467, 604–626
Rooney, Dawn
“Uses of Khmer Ceramics”, in Khmer Ceramics: 9th-14th Century, Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society: 51–55
Khmer Ceramics, Singapore: Oxford University Press
“Introduction”, in Hiroshi Fujiwara, Khmer Ceramics from the Kamratan Collection, Singapore: Oxford University Press: 1–18
“Introduction”, in Hiromu Honda and Noriki Shimazu, The Beauty of Fired Clay: Ceramics from Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press: 1–5
Khmer Ceramics: Beauty and Meaning,Bangkok: River Books
Ceramics of Seduction: Glazed Wares from South East Asia, Bangkok: River Books
Bencharong: Chinese Porcelain for Siam; Discover Thai Art,Bangkok: River Books
Sabapathy, TK (ed.)
Past, Present, and Beyond: Re-nascence of an Art Collection, Singapore: NUS Museum
Sakai Takashi
“Sites in Southeast Asia that Yielded Japanese Hizen Ceramics”, in Naniek Harkantiningsih and Sugeng Riyanto (eds.), Proceedings: International Symposium for Japanese Ceramics of Archaeological Sites in South-East Asia: the Maritime Relationship on 17th Century, Jakarta: Pusat Arkeologi: 39–52
Sakai Takashi et al.
Excavation Research Report of Tirtayasa Site, Banten, & Wolio Castle Ruins, Buton, Gunma: NPO Association of Asian Cultural Properties Cooperation
Sato, Sukekuro
“Foreword”, in Hiroshi Fujiwara, Khmer Ceramics from the Kamratan Collection, Singapore: Oxford University Press
Shah Alam and Andrew Cowan
An Archaeological Survey of the Lower Batang Hari Basin, June–July 2005: A Preliminary Report, unpublished report submitted to the Asia Research Institute, NUS
Shaw, John C. and Pat Shaw
Introducing Thai Ceramics, Also Burmese and Khmer, Chiangmai: Duangphorn Kemasingki
Northern Thai Ceramics, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, Second Revised Edition
Sheaf, C and R Kilburn
The Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes: The Complete Record, London: Phaeton
Shih Choon Fong
“Foreword”, in TK Sabapathy (ed.), Past, Present, and Beyond: Re-nascence of an Art Collection, Singapore: NUS Museum: 7
Shimizu, Naho
“Preliminary Report on Ceramics Recovered from the Northern ‘Library’ of the Bayon Complex, Angkor Thom”, in Udaya 1: 201–216
Sjóstrand, Sten
For a completely bibliography and other works of marine archaeologist Sten Sjóstrand visit: www.maritimeasia.ws
Sjóstrand, Sten, and Sharipah Lok Lok bt Syed Idrus
The Wanli Shipwreck and its Ceramic Cargo, Kuala Lumpur: Department of Museums Malaysia
So, Billy KL
Prosperity, Region, and Institutions in Maritime China: The South Fukien Pattern, 946–1368, Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Asia Center
Sok Keosovannara
Ceramics from Sarsei Kilns (in Khmer), BA Thesis, Department of Archaeology, Royal University of Fine Art, Phnom Penh
Solheim II, WG
“Southeast Asian Earthenware Pottery and its Spread”, in JN Miksic (ed.), Earthenware in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Singapore University Press: 1–21
Solheim II, WG and E Green
“Johore Lama Excavations, 1960”, in Federation Museums Journal X
Sonny Wibisono
Situs Gosari Ujung Pangkah, Gresik, Jawa Timur, unpublished report on file with Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi Nasional, Jakarta
Southeast Asian Ceramic Society (Singapore)
Southeast Asian Ceramic Society (West Malaysian Chapter)
A Ceramic Legacy of Asia’s Maritime Trade: Song Dynasty Guangdong Wares and Other 11th to 19th Century Trade Ceramics Found on Tioman Island, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press
Spinks, Charles Nelson
The Ceramic Wares of Siam, Bangkok: Siam Society (Second Revised Edition 1971; Third Revised Edition 1978)
“A Reassessment of the Annamese Wares”, in Journal of the Siam Society 64, 1: 41–52
Srisuchat, A
“Earthenware from Archaeological Sites in Southern Thailand: the First Century BC to the Twelfth Century AD”, in JN Miksic (ed.), Earthenware in Southeast Asia, Singapore: Singapore University Press: 249–261
Stevenson, John and John Guy (eds.)
Vietnamese Ceramics: A Separate Tradition, Art Media Resources with Avery Press
Stock, Diana (ed.)
Khmer Ceramics 9th-14th Century, Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society
Sullivan, Michael
“Kendi”, in Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America 12: 40–58
Swearer, Donald, and Sommai Premchit
The Legend of Queen Cama: Bodhiramsi’s Camadevivamsa, Albany: State University of New York Press
Takenori Nogami
“On Hizen Porcelain and the Manila–Acapulco Galleon Trade”, in Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin 26: 124-130
“Hizen Porcelain Exported to Asia, Africa and America” in Angela Schottenhammer (ed.), The East Asian Mediterranean: Maritime Crossroads of Culture, Commerce and Human Migration, East Asian Maritime History vol. 6, Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag: 203-218
Tan, Rita (ed.)
Zhangzhou Ware Found in the Philippines, [Manila]: Yuchengco Museum, Oriental Ceramic Society of the Philippines
Fujian Ware Found in the Philippines: Song-Yuan Period, 11th-14th Century, Makati City: The Oriental Ceramic Society of the Philippineaa
Tang Bá Hoành
Gõm Chu Ðâu, Hai Dong: Museum of Hai Dong Province
Taylor, Keith W
“A Brief Summary of Vietnamese History”, in Young, Dupoizat and Lane (eds.), Vietnamese Ceramics, Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society: 14–23
Than Tun et al
Ceramic Traditions in Myanmar, Yangon: SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition
Thaw Kaung
“Lagunbyee Old Town and the Discovery of the First Ceramic Kiln”, in Than Tun et al, Ceramic Traditions in Myanmar, Yangon: SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition: 116–134
Tian Zhu Zhong
Blue and White Procelain [sic] and Underglaze Red in the Yuan Dynasty, Beijing: She Hui Ke Zue Wen Xian Chu Van She/Social Science Documentation Publishing House
Tim Peneliti
Laporan Penelitian Sumatra Barat Tahap II di Situs Padang Rocok, Desa Sungailangsat-Siluluk, Kecamatan Perwakilan Pulaupanjang Kabupaten Sawahlunto-Sijunjung, Sumatra Barat, Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi
Tuti Munawar, Abu Ridho, Suwati Kartiwa, Nuriah, Djani Abdulkarim, Asrul Basri, Suhardini, Suharti Rukmono, Sutrisno, Wahyono Martowikrido, Jumsari Jusuf and Intan Mardiana
Koleksi Museum Nasional Volume III, Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan Museum Nasional Jakarta
Ueda, Kaoru, Miksic, John N., Wibisono, S. et. al.
“Trade and Consumption of Fine Paste Ware in Southeast Asia: Petrographic and Portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyses of Ninth-toFourteenth century Earthenware:
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Porcelain and the Dutch East India Company, Leiden: EJ Brill, reprint of 1954 edition
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“Romano-Indian Rouletted Pottery in Indonesia”, in Mankind 11: 39–45
Wang Gungwu
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Welch, Patricia Bjaaland
Chinese Art: A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery, Rutland, Vermont: Tuttle
A History of the Southeast Asian Ceramic Society (1969-2019), Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society
Wheatley, Paul
The Golden Khersonese, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press
Wilder, William D
Journeys of the Soul: Anthropological Studies of Death, Burial and Reburial Practices in Borneo, Phillips, ME: Borneo Research Council
Willetts, William
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Ceramic Art of Southeast Asia: Introduction and Descriptive Notes, The Southeast Asian Ceramic Society, First Inaugural Exhibition, Singapore: The Art Museum, The University of Singapore
Willetts, William and Lim Suan Poh
Nonya Ware and Kitchen Ch’ing Ceremonial and Domestic Pottery of the 19th-20th Centuries Commonly Found in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, Southeast Asia Ceramic Society, West Malaysia Chapter
Writing Group Reporting on the Excavation of a Sung Dynasty Seagoing Vessel at Ch’üan-chou Bay (transl. by Douglas Merwin)
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Yamamoto Nobuo
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Yang Shaoxiang
“A Brief Account of Ceramic Exports from Guangdong During the Tang and Song Dynasties”, in Ceramic Finds from Tang and Song Kilns in Guangdong, Hong Kong: Fu Ping Shan Museum, University of Hong Kong: 22–31
Young, CM, Marie-France Dupoizat and EW Lane (eds.)
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Yukitsugu, Tabata and Chhay Visoth
“Preliminary Report of the Excavation of the Anlong Thom Kiln Site, Cambodia”, in Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology 27: 63–69
Yutaka Hatakeyama (ed.)
The Pottery and Porcelain of the Indochinese Peninsula, Machida City: Machida City Museum
Zhou Daguan (transl. from French by Michael Smithies)
The Customs of Cambodia, Bangkok: The Siam Society
Zhou Li Xun
“Wo zai yin ni shou gang Yuan qing hua” (“I Collect Yuan Blue and White in Indonesia”), in Wenwu Tien Di 1: 76–83