From The Ashes – Reviving Myanmar Celadon Ceramics

Opening Talk with Dr Myo Thant Tyn, President, Myanmar Ceramic Society

From the Ashes: Reviving Myanmar Celadon Ceramics introduces the experiments with celabon, a low temperature ash glaze pottery. They are displayed alongside celadon ware, which was an export product of Lower Myanmar in the 15th century. Also an ash glaze ware but fired at a higher temperature, its discovery at historical kiln sites inspired a revival of the tradition in the pottery community.

In this session, Dr Myo Thant Tyn shares the motivations for reviving the knowledge of ash glazing as a part of Myanmar’s pottery culture. During the trials, the traditional formula was found to be incompatible with current kiln conditions and a new recipe was eventually developed. Join us and find out about the process from which celabon emerged.

This event is co-organised with NUS Department of Southeast Asian Studies on the occasion of its silver jubilee.

7 – 8:30 pm, Wednesday, 8 February 2017
NUS Museum
50 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119279

Free with registration at